To my hometown: for the ways it made me who I am.
To myself: For building a version of me I liked in spite of it all.
“And what is an example of love that did not depend on anything?
Such was the love of David and Jonathan.”
David & Jonathan is a play-script, where you uncover scenes between a golden boy (Jonathan) and a short king (David) by finding pieces within a larger image. Think Where’s Waldo, but you click Waldo and get to read a scene about two guys growing up and falling in love.
I wrote David & Jonathan as a way to dig into my fraught relationship with Christianity. I’m not religious now, but I was raised a preacher’s kid. I can still cite scripture, and harmonize a hymn with the best (and worst) of them. It’s an odd skillset to have when you don’t believe in a religion and when that culture deeply harmed you. Taking these two Biblical characters that resonated with me and writing them a love story is a kind of healing (and a kind of fuck you).
David - trans guy, fiercely sure of himself
Jonathan - cis guy, fiercely loyal
Small town Texas
2000ish - 2015ish
Inspiration & Thanks
Hell Is A World Without You, Jason Kirk - truly incredible, has affirming depictions of religious-themed intrusive thoughts, still somehow very funny
Vacation Bible School - HIAWWY led me to Jason's podcast with Emily Kirk. I listened to the Jonathan episode while writing this piece, which had an impact.
The opening of Salaar Part 1 where that one kid electrocuted himself to take down a guy four times his size and win back his best friend’s nose ring
Each of the drawings and paintings depicted in this piece - I chose them carefully and they influenced me while I edited my writing. You can find them at the NGA or the MET open access collections.
Thanks to Welcome to My Homepage for giving me the opportunity to work on this idea in a residency and Rachel Stuckey and Greg Lobanov for their support.
Thanks to Orchard Project's Liveness Lab and CultureHub’s Writing for Electronic Formats, especially my fellow participants. These programs inspired my deep dive into digital and distanced theatre.
Thanks to my partner, Pete, for always being down for a walk as I untangle an idea, and for using their professional editing skills to make my work even better.
Thanks to Joe Bakhmoutski, Matt Volk, and Pete for their feedback while playtesting.
And thanks to Terry for introducing me to Sporcle's Find the Image Pieces quizzes and for always sending me the best ones.